Tempting Forever Page 18
“Furthermore, I’ve come to see if we can make a gentleman’s agreement. You assaulted me in Monica’s condo. I’ve consulted my lawyers, and I have a case. I can ruin you,” Steve said with narrowed eyes. “But out of respect for you, I would prefer to make a deal. You stay away from Monica and the baby, and I will drop my case. Otherwise. I will take you for as much as I can get.”
I was no poker player, but keeping a straight, neutral face was simply a skill I used every day in this business. Staring Steve down, I showed no reaction to his words. I would not reveal my disgust for his lies and his attempt to tear us apart. Worse of all, the man knew he had not fathered that child, and he was trying to convince me to abandon my son.
I would have the final say and make certain Steve knew without exception that I saw through his bullshit. But not today. Not right now. I refused to miss a lunch meeting with Monica because Steve wished to smear her name in the mud and to claim our baby like a trophy he didn’t deserve. To him, they were nothing more than possessions to be stolen, not humans deserving of love and respect.
Checking at my watch, I cleared my throat and looked at Steve, wishing I could smash in his smug face. “Thank you for this information. I shall handle it accordingly. I have an important meeting now, but I will be in contact with you to further discuss this situation.”
Confusion creased his brow as Steve slowly stood from his seat. “That’s all you have to say? I just told you the child you’ve been preparing for isn’t yours and that I will see you behind bars for assault.”
“And I’ve told you I have a meeting now and will be in contact with you shortly,” I reaffirmed using a voice that no man dared argue with.
“Right.” Nodding, Steve put a hand out, and I looked at it, deciding to shake it if only to convince the man that we had some sort of understanding. “I will await your call.”
The man had connections, and I knew he was dangerous. As a former officer, he had ways to control Monica, stalk her, use force against her. He seemed to have access to some leniencies, based on his speedy exit from jail. Perhaps that was why Monica didn’t press charges. She knew it was futile. He may be smart, but I was smarter. He may have inside connections, but so did I. I would make sure that Steve lost at his own game and paid the price.
As Steve opened my office door, I called his attention back to me. “Refresh my memory, Steve.” I slid my hands in my pant pockets and came around my desk. “Why were you dismissed from service again?”
Stopping mid-step, Steve went rigid before looking over his shoulder, anger flashing in his eyes. He didn’t know I knew his past, but I also had my ways, and now he understood that he wasn’t the only one who could dig up dirt.
“Misunderstandings, that’s all. Fortunately, I still have those loyal to me on the force.” Turning back around, Steve slowly shut my door, and I smirked.
I was sure he did, considering that he got away with attempted rape. But I also had my connections on the force, and I knew that most officers were moral and dedicated to their work... and I knew precisely which ones to contact.
THE SMELL OF FRESH-baked bread drifted through the air, making my stomach growl with anticipation. A laughing couple walked past my table, and I looked around the cafe for Chris, wondering why he was late. It wasn’t like him to be anything less than punctual. Just as I began to rummage through my bag for my phone, I saw him walk in looking more serious than usual, which was saying something.
Eyes connecting with mine, Chris nodded in my direction and walked over. “Sorry I’m late,” he said, leaning in to kiss my cheek before taking a seat across from me at the small, round table for two. A teal bud vase with a single red rose stood in the middle of the table surrounded by crystal salt and pepper shakers, all resting on a cream-colored cloth. Tidy, simple, perfect.
“I thought you stood me up for a moment there,” I joked. “I was about to start gnawing on my hand.”
“Never, though a surprise visit from Steve at my office held me up.”
He said this so calmly that I wasn’t sure if he was serious. My brows dropped, and I tilted my head. “That’s not funny.”
“No, it’s not. He had some pretty serious things to say. This isn’t what I wanted to discuss with you today, but we can’t clear the air until I do.”
“Okay...” I wasn’t sure what Steve said to Chris, but I imagined he was capable of any manner of lies and threats. Steve was a hothead and not very good at rejection. The more I pushed him away, the more determined he became to have me back. I wasn’t even sure he wanted me. Steve simply didn’t like that I had moved on, and especially didn’t like that I was pregnant with Chris’s child when I had told him I didn’t want children with him. His need for power got him fired from the station, but he hadn’t learned any lessons since then.
“Before I say anything, let me tell you that I don’t believe a word he said. I trust you implicitly, Monica.” Chris placed his hand on top of mine, and I allowed it, needing his strength and comfort, missing his touch even though it had been less than 24 hours since I saw him.
“I love you,” he said without irony or a single quiver in his voice as his eyes locked on mine. “You’re it for me, Monica. End game. Brent’s wedding was the second-best day of my life. And finding out you are pregnant was the very best day. I know I didn’t take it well initially, but now I can’t imagine my life without you or our son. I want you to come back to me. I know I messed up with my family. I wasn’t ashamed of you; I was ashamed of them. You can see why. I am nothing like them. If I had a loving mother and father, I would have told them about you and the baby immediately. I am so proud of the little family we have created, Monica. Please, don’t ever think otherwise. I am simply ashamed of the family I was born into. I’m sorry I allowed those feelings to get in the way of doing the right thing by you. I’m sorry I hurt you. It’s the last thing I ever wanted to do.”
My heart thumped inside my chest as peace and comfort warmed my body. I knew his words to be true. The honesty shone in his eyes. It wasn’t his fault that his parents were self-entitled assholes. He worked hard to be a better person than they were, and he succeeded. He was the best man I have ever known.
“I’m sorry I walked away without giving you a chance to explain before, Chris. I was incredibly hurt, not by their words but by your failure to tell them who I was. But, I understand now. We all have people in our lives who dull our happiness. But I don’t want to be that person for you. I want to be a person you can trust and count on, as you have been for me. I love you, too, Chris. And I’ve missed you terribly.”
Relief washed over his features, and he sighed, squeezing my hand. “Hearing you say that means the world to me. You make me happier than I have ever been in my entire life. I want to say so much right now, but I need to tell you about Steve.”
As Chris told me the entire story, my blood ran cold and the sudden happiness I felt washed away in a stream of ice that shocked my system. Steve was even more insane than I ever suspected. My stomach curdled, and I lost my appetite just as the waitress placed a bread basket on the table. Suddenly the smell of fresh bread made my stomach growl for an entirely different reason.
“He’s out of control...” I whispered as a chill ran up my spine.
“Yes, he is. I won’t let him threaten us, Monica. I wanted to ask you this question even before his visit. I want you to know that what I’m about to say comes from my heart, not only from concern for you.” My eyes moved from the bread basket to his as I creased my forehead, wondering what he was about to say.
“Move in with me. I want you with me always. I want to wake up next to you every day. I want to come home to you, to fall asleep beside you, to change poopy diapers at three a.m. and wake up at five a.m. so you can rest. I want Charlie wedged against us as his snores shake the walls. I want all of it with you, Monica. But also, with your condition being so fragile and with Steve’s threats, I would feel better with you at my place.”
“You’re serious?” I asked, shifting in my seat. It made sense, and I did want this, but it was a huge step. We only just resolved our differences and hadn’t even received our lunches yet.
Digging into his pant pocket, Chris pulled out a shiny silver key and held it out for my gaze. “Fresh off the press. I had this made yesterday, so you know I’m serious—a new key for a new beginning. Will you move in with me?”
Slowly, I reached out and touched the key like it was a mirage that would disappear once I approached. But it didn’t. Its cold, sleek metal surface was as real as Chris’s offer.
I had other questions about logistics. Would I keep my place just in case this didn’t work out or sell it, risking it all? I had time to consider those practical details, but right now was the moment I decided which way to move forward with my life, the moment to let go of my fears and take a leap of faith. And at that moment, I realized I had more faith in Chris than I ever thought possible. He stood up for me against his family. He believed the baby was his when Steve said otherwise. He took on being a father and rearranged his life for us. I owed us this chance.
Taking the key between my thumb and pointer finger, I pulled it from his grip, but he didn’t release it. “Seal it with a kiss?” he asked.
“Of course, Mister Farrington.” Leaning forward, I placed my lips on his, gently but firmly, enjoying the familiar shock of lust, passion, love, and excitement that I felt every time our skin so much as grazed.
The kiss was short and sweet since we were in public, but it was more than enough. Sometimes the smallest touch made the biggest impact. Pulling away, Chris dropped the key in my palm with a grin. “I will make arrangements to move your belongings. You will not lift a finger.”
Though it was against my nature to allow people to do things for me that I could do myself, I knew my limits and wouldn’t risk my child’s life. I needed the help if I was going to move. “I know,” I said, crossing my heart with my hand before slipping the key to his home... our home... into the front pocket of my purse.
Two side salads and sandwiches were placed down on the table just as my appetite returned. We had a lot to figure out, like what to do about Steve, but we ate our lunch and enjoyed an easy conversation for now. I had missed this. I had missed us. Nothing worth having was ever easy, and I knew we would face hurdles, but we would do it together.
Chris clinked his water glass against mine. “To our cohabitating.”
“To your learning that I’m a terrible slob,” I added with a clink.
Chapter Eighteen
“I CAN HELP WITH THE light stuff.” Huffing, I sat on the couch as Brent and Chris walked by carrying boxes labeled “Monica’s shoes.”
“Like hell, you can,” my twin brother scoffed from the hallway.
I knew he was right, but I had a hard time sitting back while everyone moved my property. It had been three weeks since Chris and I began dating again, and I had had enough time to sit and think about us and our trajectory. This was right. We were good together. During the days, I stayed home and very slowly packed my life away while I considered what to do with my condo. It was small, but it was mine. Chris offered to buy it out for me, but I refused. Allowing my boyfriend to pay off my mortgage made my stomach sour and negated all the pride I took in being an independent woman and homeowner. It didn’t matter if it was 800 square feet and my neighbor snored so loudly that I had to sleep with headphones on some days. It was my home.
Keeping the home felt like my best bet, but not because I worried things wouldn’t work out with Chris. On the contrary, I was confident he was the one for me. If I thought otherwise, I would never have accepted his offer to move in, baby or no. It would hurt much more to go down this road and lose him than to remain friends who co-parented. We were both following our hearts, which was cheesy to say, but love was cheesy, and I was no longer afraid of the mushy stuff. Bring on the whispers of love, the candlelight dinners, the babies, the forever—I was all in.
We hadn’t mentioned the “M” word yet, and I wasn’t sure either of us was willing to bring it up. After all, we had just confessed our love a few weeks ago at that cafe when we decided to get back together. At about 36 weeks pregnant, I knew our worlds were about to change significantly at any moment. It was all right to take things a day at a time.
Moving day came and went as Brent, Chris, and some of their buffer college friends and younger colleagues came through to help. Crystal stayed with Grace and their new baby at home, as she had given birth to an eight-pound, six-ounce healthy baby boy just last week, which delayed my move slightly but in the very best way imaginable. I went between their house and mine to juggle packing and helping with the baby as much as I could, given my condition.
Brent and Crystal named him Kyle, and he was the single most perfect baby boy I had ever seen in my life, and his hair smelled like a freshness I never knew before. He was my nephew, and he was perfect, even if he was the spitting image of my stinky twin brother. At night, Chris came over to help me pack, then we spent time with Baby Kyle before heading over to his house, where I had stayed the night. Steve was a wild card that we couldn’t predict from day to day, and I was safer at Chris’s. Calling the police seemed an uncertain plan, as he had those who were loyal to him still on the force. His best friend and previous partner, Jon, would do anything to back him up.
In the end, I decided to keep my condo and rent it out to Amber, Gracie’s mom, which worked well for everyone. Now, she had affordable housing closer to Grace and could see her more often. It beat her run-down apartment on the outskirts of town, and I had a tenant I trusted with my property. Oddly, everything had fallen into place nicely over the last few weeks, aside from the constant threats of legal action Steve shot at Chris. Steve had never been a good loser. His temper and impulsiveness lost him his badge, but he never learned his lesson. He preferred lies, threats, and force to get his way. And when that didn’t work, intimidation tactics followed. But, he was no longer my problem, and Chris wasn’t worried about any financial threats. Any one of his many lawyers would have Steve crying on his knees if he attempted to take Chris for even a penny.
As the last of the men went home, bursting at the seams with lasagna, salad, and fresh rolls I made for everyone, Brent left to get back to Crystal, Grace, and Kyle, leaving Chris and me alone in our home together. Our home. It was surreal, but it made me feel light and giddy like I used to feel just before I fell asleep on Christmas Eve.
With Charlie curled up and snoring away on my lap, Chris plopped down beside me with a groan, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and the other hand placed on my huge belly. “How are my two loves doing?” he asked as he kissed my cheek.
“Oh, the baby and Charlie are doing just fine,” I said with a grin before hopping to my feet. “I’m going to head over to the condo one last time to make sure I got everything and say my goodbyes.”
“Do you want me to come with you?”
“No, you earned your rest. It’s Sunday, and tomorrow you have a lot of appointments. Just relax here with Charlie. I will be back in no time.”
Climbing to his feet with a groan, Chris took my hands and leaned in for a soft kiss. “You sure?”
“Some things, a girl just has to do on her own,” I said, nuzzling into his arms.
“I’m glad to have you here with me, Mon. I love you.”
“I love you, too, Mister Farrington.” Looking up at him, I felt that pull in my heart and a twinge between my thighs. I missed sex, but we made up for it in other ways. Chris could do wonders with his tongue. The thought made me grin widely, and Chris raised a knowing brow.
“Is sex all you ever think about?”
“With you? Yes. But I gotta get going. The sooner I get back, the sooner we can officially settle in.”
“Okay, call me if you need anything.”
Agreeing, I smacked him on the ass, grabbed my keys, apologized to Charlie when he hopped up in anticipatio
n of a car ride, and left the house.
Arriving at my complex, I parked my car and sighed as I looked up at the steps to the condo, secretly glad I wouldn’t need to trudge up and down these things with a baby, stroller, and diaper bag. When I bought this place, I hadn’t considered having a family any time soon, if at all. I was simply glad to have a place of my own, a place I earned. Life had changed so much in the past three years, and I wouldn’t change it for a moment.
Huffing and puffing as I waddled up the stairs, I slipped the key into the lock and heard the familiar clicking sound as the door creaked open.
“We need to talk.”
Freezing, I looked over my shoulder and saw Steve lurking in the shadows with the stone face he wore whenever he didn’t get his way.
“Leave me alone,” I growled.
Before I could even react, Steve pushed me against the door as it swung open and banged against the wall. He stepped inside and shut the door, locking it with an ominous click as his gaze shifted between my eyes and my belly.
“Now that you aren’t at your boyfriend’s house, I decided it was time for us to chat.”
I stepped away from him, but he followed. My heart thumped against my chest and my breathing became labored.
“How do you know where I’ve been?” I asked, looking around my apartment. My furniture remained, as I did not need it at Chris’s, but every surface was empty. A quick scan told me I had no way to defend myself if needed. No heavy objects to pick up or knives to grab, not that I could overpower Steve anyway.
“I know everything, Monica. I have my ways. As long as you have a cellphone on you, I can always find you.”
“What do you want?” I shouted, fighting back my terror and disgust. He had been tracking me all along, waiting for me to arrive alone.
“I want you to come back to me.”