Tempting Forever Read online
Page 9
I blew a raspberry at him, like a ten-year-old, but I didn’t know how else to react to his absurdity. “This isn’t 1950, dumbass. We aren’t getting married, and to be honest, I don’t think I will be seeing much of him—like, ever.”
“What? Why?”
“Let’s just say things didn’t go well when I told him.”
“Chris doesn’t want kids,” Brent added, and I scowled.
“Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. I figured that out the hard way. Look, this wasn’t planned, okay? But you have no right to judge. Pretty sure Crystal was my best friend before you started boning her. Also, pretty sure you knocked Amber up when you were like nineteen while still dating Crystal. So, stop being the pot here. At least Chris and I are old enough to walk into a bar or rent a car! And we are both single, so no infidelity, if you see where this is going.”
“Dammit Mon... you know I was drugged and drunk! I thought Amber was Crystal!”
“Well, same deed. Same result. You had sex, and you knocked a chick up.”
“Okay, fine. But at my wedding? With my best man? Seriously? No! I will destroy him!”
“Ya know what, little brother?”
“Only by three minutes!” he exclaimed.
“Still counts. You can do whatever you want. I’m having his baby. It’s done. He doesn’t want it. He doesn’t want me. So, I’m on my own, and you and Crystal are all I have now. So go ahead. Be mad at me, scold me, be disappointed. But at the end of the day, it doesn’t change that I’m about to be a single mom, and I will need your love and support, Butthead.”
He sighed and stopped shouting. “Fine. How do you know Chris doesn’t want this baby? I mean, yeah, he doesn’t want kids, but he wouldn’t reject you or the baby.”
“He kinda did,” I murmured. “He was furious and said some things he hopefully didn’t mean. But for now, he’s out of the picture.”
“Like hell you are raising this kid alone. Chris is going to man up and do his part!”
“No, Brent! Look, this is my life. I’m not forcing anyone to be a part of it if they don’t want to be.” I crossed my arms and bent over, feeling sick to my stomach again. Brent noticed and frowned, putting an arm around me.
“Let me help you to the couch, Sis.” I nodded as he put his arm around me, and we walked into the living room. “I’m still mad at you,” he added.
“I know.” Plopping on the couch, I curled up into the fetal position, feeling lost, vulnerable, and broken.
I felt Brent sit beside me and place a hand on my leg. “We will figure this out, Mon. But I’m not just going to let Chris walk away.”
“I don’t want him any more than he wants me,” I murmured, knowing that was a fat lie. I did want him. Baby or not, I wanted to be with Chris, and his rejection tore my insides apart. He wanted me just fine before he knew I was pregnant.
“You don’t need to like each other to raise a child together. The man is almost a billionaire. This kid is going to be wearing gold-plated diapers.”
“I don’t want his money, and I don’t want a spoiled rich kid, either,” I insisted. “He can see the child if he ever wants to. But that’s all I’m allowing. No money. And, before he ever sees this baby, he has some apologies to make.”
A frantic banging on the door made me jump and sit up. Brent stood and looked at me with a frown. The banging continued, and before Brent could reach the door, I heard it swing open before crashing into the wall. What the hell? Getting up from the couch, I slowly walked toward the entryway, hearing Brent shout.
“Take one more step into my home, and I can legally kill you.” Brent’s threat sounded sincere, but I knew it was all bluster. Chris, who pushed past my brother to reach me, apparently knew that, as well.
“I need to speak with Monica.” Chris stared at me from six feet away, and I glowered, folding my arms.
“You had your chance and blew it,” Brent roared. “Get out!”
“No,” Chris said, eyes locked on me. “Mon, my reaction sucked. I was caught off guard.”
“And, I wasn’t when I started to puke every morning before I took a test?” I replied testily.
“I know. I mean, I don’t know. I cannot even imagine how you feel right now.”
“Pretty fucking badly, Chris!” I felt my body tremble as rage and heartache battled for dominance. Why was he here? To further torment me?
“I’m sorry,” he said with a frown. “I didn’t mean what I said. No child of mine will ever be a bastard.”
“You called my sister’s baby a bastard?” Brent shoved Chris back a step, and Chris glowered at him but didn’t break his locked gaze, his eyes looking a deeper shade of green than I remembered.
“Can we talk, Monica?”
“No.” Brent shoved Chris again, who spun and growled.
“Brent, I know you’re pissed off, but this is between your sister and me.”
“You’re in my house, asshat,” Brent shouted and swung a fist into Chris’s jaw. His head snapped to the side, and I screamed, running forward, but I stopped when Chris narrowed his eyes at Brent and lunged. Brent fell over in his entryway, and the men wrestled, a pile of flailing legs and swinging fists. Chris planted a punch into Brent’s jaw in retaliation, and my brother yelled, swinging back and hitting Chris in the gut.
“Stop it!” I shouted, but the men paid no attention to me while they literally fought because of me. “Ouch... I’m cramping...” I said wryly, which surprisingly got both men to stop swinging and stare at me from the floor. “Get up!”
Chris listened first, standing up and adjusting his white tee and loose sweatpants. He put a hand out for Brent, but my brother swiped him away and got up on his own.
“Brent, I know this is your home. I know you are pissed off. I’m sorry I brought this mess to you, but if Chris wants to speak to me, he is allowed to.”
“We can talk here, or we can talk at my place... alone... where we are bound to just bone again,” I said with a shrug and stared at my brother, who narrowed his eyes at me and then Chris.
“You’re evil. You know that, right?” my twin asked, sighing with resignation.
“I’m not the one throwing punches. Brent.” I walked up to my brother and gently touched his jaw, making him wince. “Why don’t you give us some time to talk, okay?”
“Fine.” He sent a scathing look at Chris. “But if he makes you cry again, I will seriously kick his ass.”
“I won’t make her cry, Brent.” Chris’s deep voice pulled my attention to him. My heart leaped into my throat just looking at him. His square jaw was red, and his perfectly coifed dark hair was now all over the place, but damn if he didn’t look good even after a fight with my brother. It wasn’t fair that my body responded so potently to him. I wasn’t sure if our pheromones just called to one another or if it was something more profound, but I looked at Brent and jerked my head, dismissing him in his own house. He was used to taking orders from Crystal and me, so he pointed a finger at Chris before storming down the hall and slamming his bedroom door.
“Let’s get you some ice,” I said, walking toward the kitchen without bothering to look back at him. He was lucky I didn’t take a swing of my own.
I FOLLOWED MONICA, knowing I had a lot to atone for, including punching her brother in his own house. But right now, I couldn’t think beyond this moment, beyond making this right.
“What do you want, Chris?” Monica sighed as she dug through the freezer. Turning around, she held a bag of peas to my chin, a kindness I did not deserve. “I mean, obviously, you don’t want this baby. So why are you here?”
She stood less than a foot away, yet the distance between us could have filled an ocean. Her eyes were colder than the peas she held to my chin. “I do. I do want this baby, Monica. I’m sorry I flipped out and for what I said. Look, I come from... a different upbringing. Marriage usually comes before the baby. That’s why I said... the “B” word. I’m sorry.”
“And I’m sorry my upbringing isn’t up to snuff with yours or what you expect from any woman you would choose to breed with. I realize I’m not your ideal match,” she scathed.
“Monica.” I pushed the peas away and grabbed her hand, firming my grip when she tried to pull away. “That’s not what I mean. Every part of my life was perfectly planned, mapped out, and executed. I’m not saying I like the structure I was bred to expect. But, it is what I expected. So, yeah, this took me by surprise. You take me by surprise. Because, despite what you may think, you are my ideal match. I like you, Monica. A lot, actually. I haven’t stopped thinking about you since that night, and if I’m being honest, I’ve had a thing for you for a long time. But you were always with Steve, and I worked with your brother, ran a business, and had stuffy women like Samantha being forced on me, constantly. You—you’re a rogue. You’re unpredictable, and that isn’t something I’m used to, but damn if I don’t find it... and you, exciting. I’m sorry, my reaction was inexcusable. I had one chance to do that right, and I blew it. I’m only human, Mon. I’ve had twenty-six years of making calculated decisions. It was high time I did something a little spontaneous. This is just more than I expected.”
I smiled at her, but all she did was raise a brow in response. Her hand softened in mine, so I knew I was getting through to her, but I also knew I had royally messed up, and it would take more than words to fix this. “When is your ultrasound?”
Her brows dropped, and her forehead crinkled. “In three days. Thursday morning at ten.”
“May I come with you?” I asked, surprised by how much I actually wanted to go. Was I ready to be a father? Hell, no. But I was going to be one, so as with all things I did in life, I was all in. This was happening, and the fact that it was happening with Monica made something inside of me feel excited for the first time in a long time. I was still scared shitless, but if I was doing this, at least I was doing it with someone I knew as well as Monica. I knew she wouldn’t take advantage of me, my money, or my position. Hell, she would walk away and do this alone in a second if I let her, but I would not.
“You literally called the baby a bastard like an hour ago. Now you want to go to the ultrasound?” she asked incredulously. “I don’t need any favors. I won’t push you out. This baby is half of you. You have a right to be involved, but I also won’t have you blaming this child or me for ruining your life someday. We don’t need you. So, take the time you need to think about what you want. Either way, we will be okay.”
Placing a hand on her hip, close to her abdomen, I swallowed and looked down, noticing how flat and sculpted her belly still was. “I don’t need to think about anything. I’m all in, Monica. I know I gave you many reasons to doubt me, and I know I need to earn your trust. Please give me that chance.”
Taking a deep breath, I saw her relent, if not hesitantly. “Fine.” She pulled her hands from mine and held up the peas. “Do you need these anymore?” I shook my head, and she shrugged, turning to throw them back into the freezer.
“Monica.” Stepping closer, I put my hands on her hips again. I knew I was walking on thin ice, but I was drawn to this woman before. Now, it was stronger, deeper. Feral. She carried my child. Something about that drove me wild in the most primal way. I didn’t want to be away from her for a moment. I wanted to wrap her in my arms and hold her close, protect her every moment while our child grew stronger every day. “Let me take you out.”
“I don’t know, Chris. This is complicated enough. Let’s not make something of nothing. We are having a baby. We will raise it. It doesn’t need to be a romantic relationship.”
I frowned and felt my heart sink into my stomach. Something of nothing? I hadn’t stopped thinking of this woman for the past two months. That wasn’t nothing. I also wasn’t used to rejection. “What was that between us earlier? We have a connection, Monica.”
“It was hormones,” she said wryly. “These damned baby hormones make me want to straddle anyone with a penis, so don’t take it as something it wasn’t.”
I narrowed my eyes, knowing she was just angry with me and doing her best to throw verbal jabs. It was working. I didn’t like her pretending we didn’t have a strong attraction when we could barely keep our hands off one another every time we were alone. For me, it was more than that. But if she had no interest in me, then I wouldn’t beg.
“Whatever you say, Monica.” I told her how I felt. If she wanted more, it was up to her. But I knew myself well enough to know I wouldn’t just roll over and play dead. I may not get what I want, but I wouldn’t just give up. I decided to give her some time. After all, she still likely hated me, and I couldn’t blame her. Actions, not words. Slowly, I would show her that I wanted her, that I wasn’t going anywhere, and as the father of her child, she couldn’t get rid of me.
“I will see you in three days for the ultrasound.” Nodding, I turned and walked away.
“Chris, wait.” I turned as she came closer, holding my house key in her hand.
Pursing my lips, I shook my head. “Keep it.” Before she could argue, I walked toward the door and left. The night wind blew against my face as I walked to my car, cooling my frayed nerves. I was going to be a father—I was never going to be the same.
Chapter Eight
“NO.” HOLDING MY THROBBING temples, I spoke through the speaker on my office phone and squeezed my eyes shut. I hadn’t slept much in three days and had even less patience. “He cannot reschedule for this afternoon. I won’t be in. Ask him to meet me tomorrow morning.”
“Yes, Mister Farrington.” My secretary hung up her line, and I pushed from my seat, checking my watch. 8:55. Already, I was sacrificing important meetings with investors to make it to appointments, but that wasn’t what had me on edge. I had resisted calling or texting Monica since our last interaction, and I was sick of her brother’s scathing looks all day at work.
My anxiety was high, and it wasn’t like me. I was sure my employees could notice. I was also sure they noticed the matching bruises Brent and I shared on our jaws. I needed to get out of here and head to the hospital to meet Monica. Adjusting my tie, I stepped out of my office and intentionally made no eye contact with anyone else. There was no time for distractions, and I had no mind for business today.
“You better be on the way to the ultrasound.” Brent stepped in my path and whispered through gritted teeth, causing me to scowl and stop in my tracks. He hadn’t spoken a word to me in days, and now he thought he could act like an authority over me?
“Move.” I stepped around him, but I felt him following me toward the elevator.
“She’s a mess.”
Pushing the elevator button half a dozen times in a row, I sighed and turned to look at her brother. “I am sorry to hear that. I would be there to comfort her every day if I could be. And yes, I am going to the ultrasound.”
“Oh.” His brows lowered. The elevator opened, and I stepped in.
“Does she know that? That you would be there for her, I mean?” he asked, holding the door open with his foot.
“Then why aren’t you?”
“Brent... am I not on my way to the appointment right now? I told her how I felt about her, and she shut me down, which I don’t blame her for. But, I’m not going to force her to be with me.”
“You want to be with her? You care about her?”
My face turned to stone as I narrowed my eyes. “Yes, I do. Of course, I do. Apparently, the feeling isn’t mutual. But I will still be here for her every step of the way, from now until the day I die. I’m not a deadbeat. I need to go, Brent.”
He started to move his foot but hesitated. “She will come around.”
“You want her to?” I raised a brow, surprised Brent wanted us to be together, considering how angry he was about me sleeping with his sister and knocking her up.
“Well, yeah. I mean, no. She’s my sister. You’re my best... business partner. But, it happened. And
, as upset as I am, this isn’t about me. It’s about Monica. I want her happy, I want her settled, and I want her with a good man. She could have done much worse than you.”
“Thanks?” I pursed my lips and stepped further into the elevator and looked at my watch. Brent took the hint and moved away.
“Good luck...” I heard him say as the doors shut, and I murmured my thanks, wondering what the hell just happened. Obviously, Brent would rather see Monica with me than alone, which didn’t exactly smack of approval, but it was a step in the right direction. But it wasn’t up to him, or even me. I would continue to pursue her, but being obvious about it didn’t seem to help. I would play the supportive friend role in all of this. Be there for everything. Be by her side every moment I could. But I would not mention my feelings anymore, nor would I act on my urges to touch her, to feel her, to kiss her, to just be near her.
The elevator descended, and so did my stomach. I was on the way to an ultrasound to see my baby. I tugged on my tie once more and took a deep breath, surprised at how anxious yet excited I was for this moment.
SITTING IN THE WAITING room full of prenatal magazines that I just wasn’t ready to dive into, I looked around at the women surrounding me. Some with large bellies ready to burst, others not yet showing, and a few in between. The one thing they all had in common was a man sitting beside them, holding their hand. How was I the only single woman in this damned place?
I hadn’t heard from Chris since the day I basically rejected him, so I had no idea if he would show up to this appointment. Maybe he forgot, or worse, changed his mind about being involved. Whatever. I tried to act like it wouldn’t bother me if he didn’t come, like I hadn’t been thinking about him every second of every day since he showed up at Brent’s and confessed his feelings for me.
At the time, I was just hurt and confused. He had stripped me naked only hours before, then freaked out about the baby, then showed up at Brent’s a whole new man, ready to buy “baby on board” window decals, asking me out on a date. My emotions were a mess on a good day. I couldn’t process all he was throwing at me. He obviously needed time to process, as well. Now that we both had a few days to calm down, I hoped we could talk civilly.